Tuesday, April 21, 2009


The "Public Libraries and Networked Information Services in Low-Income Communities" article we read conducted interviews with low-income African American women. These interviews focused not on how they got internet, but what they used it for. Most of the findings showed that these women wanted internet to seek information about healthcare and education for their children. These uses are not absolutely necessary, but very helpful. 
These findings are very similar to what we have been watching in Legacy. It is obvious that computers and technology allow people to gather information much more efficiently. However, there are other ways to seek necessary information. Nicole, for example, did not have internet at home to do her school work, yet she succeeded at a very challenging high school. Also, when applying for college and financial aid she actually went and had face-to-face meetings with people to learn about programs she was eligible for. These are things should could have discovered online, but this movie, along with the article we read in class, shows that the internet is not the only way to receive such information.

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