So I get a little nervous talking in front of the entire lecture, so I didn't today. But my question was regarding the new online bills and internet access that President Obama is attempting to put in to action currently. I think it is an excellent idea to have broadband internet access for everyone in the country. However, I am concerned as to how these changes will be funded. Will there be new taxes? Will funds be taken away from other causes? I guess the issue here is whether or not we have enough funds to complete this task especially in our current economy. I feel that internet access for all is a just cause, but I don't feel like it is realistic to say that every single person in the U.S. will be provided with access.
Let me know your thoughts. This was just something I was thinking about in lecture today! :)
I agree with you that providing the internet for everyone is a just cause, however I do think there are higher priorities. I think Nate mentioned this in lecture, and I agree with him that there are people with much more significant problems than not being able to access the internet. I feel that the government should put more of an emphasis on solving the serious issues that other countries are facing. The people who are struggling to survive have a greater need for food or clean water or whatever necessity they are lacking rather than a computer. Computers and the internet are only vital in societies that are oriented towards them, and this is not the case in many developing countries. I think there are more important inequalities in the world and once they are addressed, the digital divide can be solved as well. Also, in one of the articles for next week, the author believes that the problem will resolve itself. I agree, that in time the divide will decrease.