Chicago Public Library
-total income: $90,988,539
-branches: 77
-interlibrary loans recieved: 4,340
-bookmobiles: 2
-public internet terminals: 1,500
-librarians with ALA-accredited MLS: 276.59 without: 10.17
-book and serial volumes: 4,896,854
-total circulation (per year): 6,746,110
-circulation of children's materials: 2,617,312
-Chicago's caucasian population is the largest, followed relatively closely by African American. Its largest age group is 25-44, and median family income is $56,151. Its total circulation per year is lower than that of Los Angeles'. This may be because Los Angeles' median income is lower than Chicago's and has a younger population, thus people may not be able to afford buying books and therefore visit the library more often to borrow books and utilize other servies.
Los Angeles Public Library
-total income: $108,260,972
-branches: 71
-interlibrary loans recieved: 312
-bookmobiles: 0
-public internet terminals: 2,502
-librarians with ALA-accredited MLS: 425.5 without: 0
-book and serial volumes: 6,393,429
-total circulation (per year): 15,694,601
-circulation of children's materials: 4,871,133
Video Reflection
15 years ago
Great work, Kaitlin, but don't forget to post this to Ethelene's blog: